
Jenő Bleyer, the second biggest landlord of the region built the mansion in 1908 with the most modern technologies at that time, for example, this was the first building in the whole county to have Benoid-gas lighting. The mansion was the summer residence of the family. They moved from Andrassy street, Budapest, every May and spent the summers in the mansion until September. They organised gatherings and family events enjoying the shade of the oak trees and the summer breeze. In 1925 Borka, the daughter of the landlord, and Oszkár Heckt, another famous Hungarian landlord, held their wedding here.

After the second world war, it was used as a school, and later as a nursery school.

The concept of the current owners of the Kiscséri Mansion was to keep the original structures of the building while using the newest technologies to make sure that it functions in a sustainable way while preserving traditional elements and flourishing the more than hundred years old garden.